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Eligibility Criteria Learning – Attendance (Bronze)
This Open Badge is awarded to people who attend the blended learning session facilitated by the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership Learning and Development team on “Eligibility Criteria”.
Eligilbity Criteria Blended Learning Sessions supports learners to understand ‘what it is’ and why we need it’.
It explores how we can implement the criteria into the assessment process, and to be clearer about their own role and responsibilities in relation to supporting individuals.
The blended learning sessions will also enhance knowledge and familiarisation around using the ‘Eligibility Criteria Framework and Principles. By engaging with this blended learning model individuals will increase their confidence in using the framework.
To earn this badge, you must:
- Completed the Online Eligilbity Criteria Module
- Attend a Virtual Session on Eligibility Criteria’ facilitated by Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership learning and development team (2 hours)
- Log in to or register at open badges and apply, providing us with the date and place of the session you attended
You do not need any other badges before applying for this one.
Enrol and/or log in to your SSSC badges account, apply for badge and provide us with date and place of session you attended.
Badge issuer
Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership
Perth and Kinross Council is one of 32 local councils in Scotland providing a range of local services. The Learning and Development Team are committed to supporting workers and managers in the Health and Social Care Partnership by using a variety of creative methods which are unique to individuals and team.
Badge standards
Building trust: Keeping people safe
Common Core skillsSubmit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided.
My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else.
I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge