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The Lens: Prototyping and Testing workshop attendance
This Open Badge is for The Lens finalists who have attended the Prototyping and Testing Workshop.
This Open Badge is for The Lens finalists who have attended the Prototyping and Testing Workshop.
The Lens is an innovative programme designed to encourage people to see and think differently. It helps create a culture of intrapreneurship and innovation within mission-driven organisations by supporting people to develop their ideas and skills.
To acknowledge the skills that have been developed through The Lens, the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) in partnership with The Lens, along with support from the Social Enterprise Academy, have created a series of badges that are available to people who have been involved with The Lens.
To earn this badge you will need to:
- have participated in the Prototyping and Testing workshop.
There are no prerequisites for this Open Badge, however, you may also want to apply for the Prototyping and Testing workshop impact Open Badge.
This badge is awarded automatically for attendance at the workshop. No evidence is attached.
Badge issuer
The Lens encourages intrapreneurship in mission driven organisations through an integrated investment fund, competitive process, and development programme.
Submit your application
The SSSC Open Badge system relies on trust. We trust that the evidence you provide will be of your own work and based on your own skills and knowledge.
By submitting an application you agree to the following statement:
“In studying and completing the activities for this badge, I confirm that all the work provided as evidence will be my own.”
The SSSC will revoke a badge if the evidence provided is discovered to have been the work of someone else.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge