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#6 Managing risk and uncertainty
Middle managers in social services are involved in overseeing complex practice issues and dilemmas. They are concerned for the safety and wellbeing of those who use services, carers and staff. They understand the legislative context for protecting those who are at risk of harm. They are aware that people have the right to take risks and that leading a full life includes a degree of risk.
To earn this Open Badge, you should use the resources on our Step into Leadership website to help you meet the criteria below. You may also wish to reflect on other leadership learning you have undertaken that contributes to you meeting the criteria e.g. a formal leadership programme you have undertaken or leadership learning that has been delivered by your organisation.
Provide evidence that you are able to:
- demonstrate clear knowledge of the legislative and policy framework within which risk is managed
- lead and support a culture that allows staff and people who use services to make informed choices and take risks appropriately
- ensure that systems and processes are in place to assess and manage risk responsibly while also valuing the importance of positive risk-taking/risk enablement within people’s lives
- respond to complex ethical and professional issues and make informed judgements in areas of uncertainty
- work with conflicting opinions and judgements while maintaining clear focus on people’s safety and wellbeing
- take responsibility for gathering, analysing and using accurate and detailed information for decision-making while recognising that decisions may require to be made in the absence of complete information
- support practitioners to take responsibility in dealing with risk while ensuring robust systems to oversee and review safe practice
- exercise professional judgement in bringing significant risk concerns to the attention of senior managers and relevant agencies.
You should already hold the Leadership Capability Feedback badge.
Please provide a written statement or link to an audio or video recording showing how what you’ve learned from the resources has contributed to your professional development and informed your practice. There’s no limit to the number of words you can use in your statement although we would suggest 500-1000 words will allow you to reflect your learning effectively. Keep the criteria above in mind when preparing your statement. You can provide your statement on the badge application form or provide a link to your own blog or e-portfolio.
If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.
Remember, the evidence you provide will be viewable by anyone you show your badge to. Please don’t include confidential or private information within your statement.
Badge issuer
Scottish Social Services Council
Our work means the people of Scotland can count on social work, social care and children and young people services being provided by a trusted, skilled, confident and valued workforce.
Submit your application
The SSSC Open Badge system relies on trust. We trust that the evidence you provide will be of your own work and based on your own skills and knowledge. By submitting an application you agree to the following statement: "In studying and completing the activities for this badge, I confirm that all the work provided as evidence will be my own." The SSSC will revoke a badge if the evidence provided is discovered to have been the work of someone else.Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge