Essential Badges

Essential badges

Completed 0of5

1. SSSC MyLearning and Learning Zone orientation
This badge is awarded to people who complete the orientation tutorial for SSSC MyLearning and SSSC Learning Zone platforms. By earning this badge, they demonstrate an understanding of how these services can support Continuous Professional Learning (CPL).
Apply for this badge.
2. Getting started with Open Badges
This Open Badge is awarded to people who demonstrate a basic understanding of how to use SSSC Open Badges to collect evidence of their learning and development.
Apply for this badge.
3. Writing evidence for Open Badge applications
This Open Badge is awarded to people who watch our video about how to prepare evidence for their badge applications and complete all activities from the badge criteria.
Apply for this badge.
4. Staying secure online self assessment
This Open Badge is awarded to people who have completed a self-assessment exercise about staying secure online. They will have been recommended learning resources based on their responses and written about how they learned from these materials and improved their security habits.
Apply for this badge.
Health and Social Care Standards: Awareness
This badge is available to people who complete all six awareness badges for the Health and Social Care Standards.
Apply for this badge.