Getting started with Open Badges

What you need to know about Open Badges

Open Badges are a straightforward way to collect, manage and share evidence of learning in today’s digital world. You can collect them to evidence your learning and share them in places that matter to you, including offline as printable certificates. When you show your badge to someone, they will be able to see criteria against which the badge was issued and any evidence that you provided to prove you met that criteria.

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and dozens of other social service organisations issue Open Badges to recognise continuous and informal learning that would otherwise go unrecorded.

Can I apply for an Open Badge?

You don’t need to be registered with the SSSC. Most of our badges are available to anyone. A small number of badges, specifically related to registration, do require you to be registered and will state this in their prerequisites.

Why should I collect Open Badges?

  • You can collect evidence of your continuous learning as you go.
  • Recognition for otherwise unrecognised informal learning.
  • Badges which include reflective accounts from you can demonstrate your understanding of a subject. They’re not just a certificate of completion.
  • You can share online, group them together in a portfolio and download printable certificates.
  • Badges can provide evidence for and back up what you say on your CV, application form or at a job interview.
  • If you are registered with the SSSC, badges that include well written reflective accounts can contribute towards your Continuous Professional Learning (CPL).
  • You own your badges and they won’t disappear if you change jobs.

Video tutorials

Everything you need to know to get started is covered in short video tutorials as part of our Getting started with Open Badges badge.