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Making better decisions: Social worker – risk assessment scenario
This Open Badge is awarded to people who work through the risk assessment scenario on the social worker section of our Making better decisions resource and complete a reflective account to demonstrate their learning.
Every day we have to make decisions relating to our roles. Some of these are straightforward and easy to make, while others are more difficult and may involve a range of options. We are all accountable for our decisions, so making a ‘wrong’ choice could mean that you have to justify why you made it, particularly if it leads to poorer outcomes for people who use your services.
Our Making better decisions learning resource provides you with some challenging situations, which allow you to see how your decisions might affect outcomes for people if you had to make them in real life situations.
The scenario reflects real situations and dilemmas workers have faced and include aspects that commonly come up in fitness to practise cases.
To earn this badge you must:
- work through the risk assessment scenario on the social worker section of the resource
- complete the 400 word reflective activity at the end of the scenario and a save a copy to your computer
- upload your completed reflective activity using the application form below or paste the content into the application text box.
We will decline Open Badge applications without a completed reflective activity.
Submit your application
The SSSC Open Badge system relies on trust. We trust that the evidence you provide will be of your own work and based on your own skills and knowledge.
By submitting an application you agree to the following statement:
“In studying and completing the activities for this badge, I confirm that all the work provided as evidence will be my own.”
The SSSC will revoke a badge if the evidence provided is discovered to have been the work of someone else.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge