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Principles of care
This Open Badge is no longer available. It has been replaced by Foundations for practice: Principles of care.
Through the app, you can explore the keystones upon which your care and support practice rests. You may have chosen to work in a care and support role because you value people and believe in giving everyone a fair chance. The principles help you to carry out these values as part of your everyday work. The app will help you to look at Codes of Practice and service standards in more detail as well as exploring personalisation, equality and diversity and protecting people.
To earn this badge you will need to:
- work through the Principles of Care app
- tell us about how using the app helped develop your knowledge and understanding of the topic (100 words minimum)
- tell us how you have or intend to apply this knowledge in your day to day practice (100 words minimum).
This Open Badge is no longer available. It has been replaced by Foundations for practice: Principles of care.
Submit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided. My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else. I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.